
Dr Pat Henn ASSERT, participated as a Guest Speaker and judge in the MedTech Challenge in the Creative Zone of the Boole Library Hosted by UCC Medical Research and Technology Society In association with Blackstone Launchpad and other participating UCC societies WiSTEM (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), E&S (Entrepreneurial and Social Society) and EngSoc (Engineering […]

Cork University Maternity Hospital in conjunction with the ASSERT Centre, UCC, will be facilitating neonatal resuscitation training using a High Fidelity “Smart” mannequin and various simulated scenarios. Participants will be asked to take part in a simulated resuscitation using a “smart” mannequin which will be able to provide real time feedback of vital signs, responses […]

    Healthcare staff working on the frontline to control the spread Covid-19 are succumbing to the virus at a disproportionate rate. 10-15% of all diagnosed cases of the Coronavirus are among the healthcare community working to halt the spread of the disease. The single common variable in the vast majority of cases of the […]

“A new student led initiative supported by Dr Pat Henn of the ASSERT Centre called the ‘’Vampire Cup’’ will be formally announced in the coming weeks. It pits universities against each other in a competition to see which university student population can donate the most blood and win “The Vampire Cup.” Glenn Curtin, a 3rd […]

The Malawi eHealth Research Centre, is a dedicated eHealth education and research facility. It is designed to act as an international hub for academic and industry partners with an overall aim to enhance the delivery of healthcare across Malawi. In 2020, Shivika Marwaha a Medical Student at University College Cork (UCC) has been awarded the […]

An online one stop shop resource centre has been set up on the UCC Courses website to collate reputable resources and keep front line workers, academics and other interested parties abreast of the latest reliable information and developments regarding COVID-19. The site features a live map of worldwide COVID-19 cases, as well as educational material […]

  A nursing home in Co Cork is piloting an early warning system to detect COVID-19 among staff. A census of mortality in Ireland’s nursing homes is now underway with priority testing of staff and residents also taking place. Over half of all deaths from coronavirus have been associated with nursing homes. Diarmuid Ó Dálaigh, […]

Pat was nominated by Nick Chisholm and members of the Centre for Global Development Steering Committee.  “Pat is Director of Research & Education in the ASSERT Centre in the COMH, which uses technology-enhanced learning to address issues of patient safety. Pat and colleagues in ASSERT, along with Tyndall, CUH and a private sector company (8 […]

ASSERT/8 West collaboration is delighted to have got to the final selection process in “Reimagine Football” initiative from JC Arena/ Ajax This is the result of a lot of hard work from the ASSERT/ 8 West collaboration on innovation in MedTech – CREW project. Lets hope that Irish Sports take up the challenge of bringing […]

    In August 2019, Vodafone partnered with the ASSERT centre (Application of the Science of Simulation to Education, Research and Medical Technology) in University College Cork, Ireland, to create the first 5G connected telemedicine and medical robotics training centre in the world. Its aim is to provide a test-bed facility for the MedTech sector, preparing devices […]

Exciting Career Opportunity at ASSERT Simulation Centre, UCC Cork The ASSERT Simulation Centre at University College Cork, Ireland, is seeking a dynamic and innovative Business (Project) Manager to join our team. This state-of-the-art facility is at the forefront of healthcare education, offering simulation-based training to professionals in medicine, surgery, nursing, dentistry, and physical therapies. ASSERT […]

Technical Officer, ASSERT Centre, College of Medicine & Health Specific Purpose Whole-time Post (Anticipated duration of 2 years)   UCC wishes to appoint a Technical Officer to the ASSERT Centre, College of Medicine and Health. The post-holder will report to The Director of the ASSERT Centre or their nominee and will support other staff at […]

Attendees can register on the Eventbrite link here:

We are delighted to announce that the ASSERT Centre has been shortlisted as a finalist in the eHealth Innovation of the Year Award. The Irish Medtech Awards 2021 are hosted jointly with Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. Over the past 26 years the medtech sector has gone from a burgeoning industry to a global powerhouse. […]

It’s been a busy few months in ASSERT. Here is a snapshot of the simulation and surgical training courses that we facilitated since January 2022, with many more planned for the coming year.  

The Irish Association for Simulation (IAS) Virtual Annual Symposium 2022 Thursday 12th May @ 6pm   Register For Event Here.    

Exciting news to be announced soon! SAVE THE DATES for upcoming Surgical Training Courses. Please email me directly if you would like further information –  

We are delighted that the surgical trainees have booked their places on the upcoming Emergency Surgical Skills Course (CORK), which is brought to you by ASSERT Centre, CoMH/UCC, and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. This one-day course will be held at the ASSERT Centre, College of Medicine & Health, UCC, Cork on two […]

ASSERT Centre, UCC, and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland are delighted to announce that the International Vascular Cork #ivc will take place on the 8th and 9th November 2022. BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE: – PLACES ARE LIMITED – we want to ensure the best possible teaching experience, there will be a maximum of 2 participants per station with […]

ASSERT is delighted to congratulate 8West, on receiving the Huawei HDC Outstanding Partner Award. This award recognizes the extraordinary collaboration and dedication between 8West and Huawei in relation to the ongoing development of the CREW (Covid-19 Remote Early Warning) project. ASSERT as the clinical lead partner on the CREW project, looks forward to our ongoing […]

  And there it is … another year and another world class International Vascular Cork (IVC) course just completed at ASSERT Centre, UCC This course is made possible thanks to the talented and dedicated faculty who give up their time to teach and return to ASSERT Centre, UCC with genuine enthusiasm every year. Through the […]

  Dr Pat Henn form ASSERT participates in Episode 1. Explore our ever changing relationship with Artificial Intelligence in this week’s Cork Talks – a special series for curious minds and thinkers alike. Join leading experts as we discuss how our own reality as we know it and virtual reality meet and ultimately how our […]

ASSERT Centre, UCC was delighted to be able to assist the School of Medicine in providing high fidelity simulation training for managing medical emergencies, teamwork, and communication to students in-shelter from Ukraine. This demonstrates ASSERT Centre, UCC commitment to ensuring that students receive the education and training they need to become skilled healthcare professionals. The collaboration between ASSERT Centre, […]

LIBRA – Future Proofing Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions – Experiential Learning in Simulation for Students. The HEA has awarded funding of totalling €286,114 across 8 projects, under the Gender Equality Enhancement Fund 2020 to advance gender equality initiatives in Irish higher education. Awards were made across three areas: research on or advancing gender equality initiatives in Ireland. training programmes […]

In association with the SSWHG, UCC College of Medicine and Health and ASSERT we are pleased to bring you the details of the SimStars 2023 Live Final Event. The event will be hosted in Brookfield Health Science Complex on Tuesday the 6th of June at 5.30pm. Five qualifying teams from across the SSWHG have undertaken the […]

ASSERT is pleased to collaborate as a HSE Digital Solutions Living Lab on an Oncology Remote Monitoring Living Lab with Dr Richard Banbury CUH, 8West and ONCOassist. This pilot project has received initial funding of €5,000 from the HSE Digital Solutions Review Board. On successful completion of the pilot the project will move on to the next stage, the demonstration phase. […]

  Today, Professor Marietta Iacucci, a leading figure in Gastroenterology from University College Cork and Consultant Gastroenterologist at MUH/CUH, took the helm in hosting the inaugural Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) hands-on workshop at the ASSERT Centre UCC.  This marks a significant step forward in providing invaluable in-person training opportunities for Irish consultant gastroenterologists, trainees, and nurses. […]

    On 19th March 2021 ASSERT Centre, UCC were delighted to facilitate Zimmer Biomet who successfully completed a ROSA Knee training course in our Surgical Skills Lab. The ROSA® Knee System is an innovative robotic assistance system which supports Orthopaedic Surgeons in performing joint replacement surgery with features including surgical planning, assessment of real […]

  Yesterday, we were proud to host the inaugural Trauma Resuscitation Anaesthesiology Course at ASSERT Centre! This specialised course, aimed at anaesthetic teams, provided an immersive learning experience with high-fidelity simulation to sharpen critical trauma management skills. With support from Medguard and Decent Simulators to provide the morning skills based sessions, participants then tackled complex […]