Cadaveric Interventional Radiology Skills Course (CIRSC) Cork 2025

The Cadaveric Interventional Radiology Skills Course (CIRSC) Cork is delivered by UCC/CoMH and the Radiology Department at Cork University Hospital. It is goal-directed to improve operator performance and safety in real-life interventional scenarios in ultrasound and fluoroscopic image-guided procedures.
Suitable for :
The course is aimed at senior radiology specialist registrars with an interest in interventional radiology (3rd/4th Year SpRs) and interventional radiology fellows. The course is limited to 12 places with participants rotating through 3 cadaveric stations (4 at each station).
Dates :


The course is performed at the ASSERT’s state-of-the-art medical simulation facility and will run in a simulated Interventional Radiology Suite environment using fresh frozen cadaveric specimens. The use of fresh cadaveric specimens allows for high fidelity simulated clinical practice. The course is limited to 12 places with participants rotating through 3 cadaveric stations and one neurointervention aneurysm and thrombectomy flow model session (3 at each station). This maximises intervention time for each participant and allows for one-to-one tuition from the expert faculty.

Uniformly excellent feedback from previous attendees.

Course Content:
Examples of interventional radiology procedures which will be included in the course:
Percutaneous ultrasound-guided:
Renal and liver and liver biopsies
Targeted lesion biopsy
Abscess drainage
Fluoroscopic percutaneous lumbar procedures:
Lumbar punctures
Intervertebral disc and vertebral biopsies
Vertebral body vertebroplasty
Cerebral Aneurysm and Thrombectomy Flow Models

Prof. Noel Fanning, Dr. Gerald Wyse, Prof. David Ryan, Dr. Aidan Hegarty
Interventional Neuroradiologists
Dr. Stephen Power, Dr. Heather Moriarty
Interventional Radiologists
Dr. Jennifer Sammon, Dr. Richard Kavanagh
Consultant Radiologists

Course Inclusions:
Hands-on interventions on Fresh Frozen Cadavers
High tutor-to-participant ratio
Biopsy and Drainage Tips, Tricks & Pitfalls
Morning, lunch and evening breaks and refreshments

Course Fee and Information:
TOTAL FEE €450 (including booking charges)
For an intensive one-day cadaveric course
This course is heavily subsidised by Industry Sponsorship

Course content, date and faculty may be subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances

Course Fees

Cadaveric Interventional Radiology Skills Course (CIRSC) Cork 2025: €450.00

Available Dates