ASSERT Train the Trainer Courses for Healthcare Educators
- 12/11/2024 - 24/02/2025
Train the trainer courses:
3. Surgical Skills Course Development – Register your interest
Surgical Skills Course Development – ASSERT Centre, UCC – Monday 24th of February 2025
The ASSERT Centre would like to introduce this interactive train the trainer course for surgical or technical skills training days in a simulation centre. This course will give tips and tricks on how to set up an effective surgical skills day in any surgical speciality zoning in on learning outcomes and how to harness the assistance of your local simulation centre. You will learn skills like simulator sourcing, task trainer building and harnessing effective education al material for a successful day. There will be a concentration of teaching and effective feedback approaches and methods of assessment for teaching, exams and research.
This course is suitable for health care providers who have some experience in surgical education and are keen to develop future skills courses in their speciality to enhance skill acquisition for surgical doctors in training.
Prerequisite for attending this free course is that: You will receive your certificate of attendance after either facilitating a course in the ASSERT Centre (you will be given guidance and feedback on your skills on this post course day) or have evidence of running an in-situ event after the course.
- Faculty: Prof Leonie Heskin, Mr Dave Versingham
- Venue: Surgical Skills lab, Floor 2, ASSERT Centre, UCC.
1. Foundations of simulation – Applications Closed
Foundations in simulation: University Hospital Waterford – Tuesday the 12th of November 2024 – Applications now closed
Foundations in simulation: University Hospital Kerry – Monday the 18th of November 2024.
This foundational course provides an overview of simulation-based education, equipping healthcare professionals with tools to facilitate impactful learning experiences through simulated scenarios. Participants will learn about scenario development, simulation setup, and the core techniques of debriefing, aimed at fostering a supportive learning environment and enhancing team performance.
This course is suitable for: Any healthcare workers (doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, dentist, pharmacist etc.) who is in a position to deliver simulation-based activities.
Prerequisite for attending this free course is that: After attendance of any of the train the trainer courses offered below, you will receive your certificate of attendance after either facilitating a course in the ASSERT Centre (you will be given guidance and feedback on your skills) or have evidence of running an in-situ event after the course.
University Hospital Waterford – No Longer Open for Application
- Faculty University Hospital Waterford: Stephanie Ryng RGN, RCN, BSc, PGCTLHE, Dr Muhammed Elgasim, Dr Tadgh Moriarty, Dr Rory O Brien
- Venue : Main Classroom, University Hospital Waterford
University Hospital Kerry – No Longer Open for Application
- Faculty University Hospital Kerry: Stephanie Ryng RGN, RCN, BSc, PGCTLHE, Samantha Riordan HDip, PGCTLHE, James Hanlon RGN RTO, Dr Niamh Feely
- Venue : Library Classroom, University Hospital Kerry
2. Debriefing course – Applications Closed
Debriefing Course – ASSERT Centre, UCC – Wednesday 4th December 2024
Debriefing Course – ASSERT Centre, UCC – Thursday 23rd of January 2025
The ASSERT Centre introduces a full day interactive debriefing skills workshop for healthcare simulation faculty interested in improving their debriefing skill in simulation-based educational scenarios. Pre-briefing and different approaches to debriefing will be discussed with a concentration on our recommended blended debriefing framework. You will have an opportunity to see examples of effective debriefing, practice with feedback and explore difficulties in managing effective constructive debriefing in challenging cases.
This course is suitable for health care providers who have some experience debriefing simulated scenarios and want to improve their skills.
Prerequisite for attending this free course is that: You will receive your certificate of attendance after either facilitating a course in the ASSERT Centre (you will be given guidance and feedback on your skills on this post course day) or have evidence of running an in-situ event after the course.
- ASSERT course lead: Prof Leonie Heskin
- Faculty: Dr Claire Mulhall, Dr Dani Hall, Dr Linda Farren.
- Venue: Conference room, LG 101, Ground floor, ASSERT Centre, UCC.